In this article, we will see how to earn money online through a series of methods that I believe are effective.
There are at least a hundred different methods to make money on the internet, but only a few of them are actually feasible and can allow you to earn significant amounts in the long term.
Among all the methods that we will see there are some that do not require special knowledge or skills, others instead require specific skills.
How To Make Money Online: 15 Strategies That Work
In this list I will show you 15 effective methods to make money online, on each of them the difficulty (from low to high), the requirements, the time (from little to long) and the potential earnings (from low to high) will be indicated. As you will surely notice in most cases the gain is directly related to time.
Unfortunately in this world, no one gives you anything for free and they know it well, even if we often prefer to believe otherwise.
I want to clarify that almost all the online earning strategies that we will see can also be combined with each other, which often turns out to be the most appropriate move.
But no more chatter and let’s get started!
1- Make money online with a blog
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Basics of WordPress or other CMS
- Time: A lot
- Earnings: High
Let’s start with a solution that can allow you to earn interesting figures too. Monetizing a blog is certainly an excellent choice even if unfortunately it requires a lot of time, dedication, and commitment.
The methods of earning through a blog are many, so I decided to dedicate an entire article to him called “how to make money with a blog”, give it a look.
If you don’t have a blog and would like to create one, I have created a specific guide on how to create a successful blog.
In any case, here I anticipate that an immediate solution is that of Google Adsense banner ads, but as you will see in the dedicated article, it is the most trivial method to make money with a blog, in reality, there are many more profitable ones.
A blog, in order to make money, needs traffic, possibly organic traffic, that is, coming from search engines.
2- Create a YouTube channel
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Basic knowledge of video creation and editing
- Time: A lot
- Earnings: Medium
YouTube and videos are constantly growing on the web, focusing on this sector today is a moment’s investment. There are several methods of earning through YouTube videos, but the best known is channel monetization.
Today being able to monetize a video is much easier than in the past, just go to the YouTube settings, click on the “channel” and then “Monetization”.
Once activated, advertising banners will start to appear during your videos. At this point, the only goal will be to increase your popularity on this social network as much as possible.
It goes without saying that without thousands of visits a day being able to earn significant figures is almost impossible, but given the huge amount of people who flock to this social network every day, I wouldn’t bet against it.
Even some of the most unthinkable contents have managed to go viral in a short time.
However, when you manage to reach a relevant audience, you will find that channel monetization is truly the ultimate source of income from YouTube.
3- Affiliate Marketing
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Depends on the type of traffic
- Time: Average
- Earnings: High
When it comes to how to make money on the internet, the expression affiliate marketing always comes up.
This type of marketing allows you to sell products created by others and earn a commission on each sale.
Amazon has certainly one of the most famous affiliate programs, but there are several others, with higher commissions and earnings.
Affiliate marketing is currently one of the most profitable systems ever, if done well it can make you earn a lot of money. A lot of people (mainly those who don’t know how to do it right) are giving affiliate marketing a bad reputation and calling affiliate marketing a scam. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Of course, there are scammers (you can tell who they are by the wealth they promise you will get in a month if you buy their product) on the internet, but when done correctly, affiliate marketing is one of the most legit ways to earn online.
Unless restricted by the “Merchant”, ie the owner, you can promote the product as you see fit, or through your blog, YouTube channel, various social networks, paid advertising, or all of the above.
The more sales you will be able to generate, the greater the profit will be.
Apart from Amazon, some of the biggest affiliate networks are:
4- Amazon FBA
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Marketing on Amazon
- Average time
- Gain: High
Amazon FBA, where FBA stands for “Fulfillment by Amazon“, is one of the hottest sources of income online right now.
“Fulfillment by Amazon” means “completely managed by Amazon” therefore you can take advantage of their warehouse and their couriers without worrying about anything, just send the goods to Amazon and create the product card (or cards) directly from the control panel check.
This not only greatly reduces costs, it will also optimize time and customer satisfaction, all to your advantage in short.
Registering is easy, just go to the official page and send the request. Obviously, the service costs 39.99 $ per month + commissions.
What to sell if you don’t have a product?
Most people don’t have a product to sell, so sites like come to our aid, which bundles all major Chinese suppliers into one site. In this way, you can buy the goods in bulk and then review them directly on Amazon.
Obviously, asserting yourself on Amazon is a completely different story, even if your product is valid, it is often not easy to compete with other sellers, fortunately, various marketing techniques come aid.
5- Dropshipping
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Marketing techniques
- Average time
- Gain: High
Dropshipping basically means “acting as an intermediary” between customer and supplier.
How does it work?
You can open an online shop using tools like Shopify (which are already dropshipping ready) and display the products you want to sell. When a user purchases something from your website, you will buy it for him on third-party “supplier” sites such as AliExpress, which in turn will ship the product to the user, at which point you will earn a commission.
It would seem complex but it is not, tools like Shopify already have all the features you need inside, you can easily connect the store you have created to supplier sites like AliExpress, so that every time a user places an order, a request will be sent automatically to the supplier, your task will be only that of monitoring and assistance.
6- Online Trading
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Market analysis
- Time: A lot
- Gain: High
Online trading is an extremely interesting business, especially in this period. If done in a smart way it can also be fun and at the same time very profitable.
The only warning I would like to give you is not to throw yourself headlong into this sector without having the right knowledge, otherwise you risk only wasting time. It is essential to better prepare and analyze the performance of the various markets carefully.
Fortunately, there are several online courses that will allow you to learn all the notions you need to start this business successfully.
To be able to trade online you need a broker, or an online platform that allows you to buy and sell financial instruments with extreme ease.
7- Sell info products online
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Expert in an industry and skill in videos
- Average time
- Earnings: High
Online video courses/tutorials is a rapidly growing market and has a very high-profit margin.
If you are an expert in something what are you waiting for to teach it with a video? There are many portals that allow you to upload videos created by you, set a price, and sell them online, among the most famous are Udemy, Skillshare, and Envato.
Udemy is certainly the most famous, it offers courses in all languages, and in addition, in exchange for a percentage, it promotes the video course for you. As if that weren’t enough, it also has its own affiliate program that allows others to sell your product.
There are people out there who have made millions of dollars through this service alone.
Are you starting to have a little clearer ideas on how to earn money on the internet seriously? Well, let’s move on.
8- Create Themes or Plugins
- Difficulty: High
- Requirements: High knowledge of programming
- Time: A lot
- Gain: High
If you are a skilled programmer who can create quality themes and plugins for WordPress or other CMS, then you could make a fortune.
Obviously, this is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time to create a quality theme or plugin, but Envato Market always rewards quality and they have tons of active users.
9- Online Freelancer
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Depends on the sector
- Time: Low
- Gain: High
Among the many methods to earn online, there is also the possibility of acquiring real customers directly on the web and working from home without too much hassle, if not for a simple video consultation on Skype when necessary.
Obviously, we are talking about jobs that can be performed remotely such as the Consultant, Web Designer, Web Marketer, Copywriter, Translator, Graphic Designer, Programmer, etc.
The most famous sites in the world for freelancers are Fiverr and Upwork.
If you are good at something and want to make money by freelancing online, I highly recommend that you consider one of these platforms, especially Fiverr.
Believe me, you will really find services of all kinds. You will soon realize how many people have managed to monetize something absolutely trivial, perhaps simply by leveraging laziness.
10- Sell videos, photos or graphics of any kind
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Depends on the sector
- Average time
- Earnings: Medium
How to make money on the Internet through photos, videos or graphics? Simple, the same way seen for WordPress themes.
Envato Market is certainly the best marketplace on the web, but there are also many other portals that allow you to sell this kind of product. One example is iStockPhoto.
11- Sell your notoriety on social networks
- Difficulty: High
- Requirements: None
- Time: A lot
- Gain: High
If you are enjoying some success on social networks, perhaps after creating viral content or an interesting page/profile that has attracted thousands of followers, well then you can sell your notoriety to the highest bidder.
Influencer marketing is officially the trend of the moment for companies and you can reap many benefits, even if you are not excessively known.
Although there are various channels where you can sell your notoriety, in reality, it is enough to insert 2 lines in the description of the channel where you declare that you are willing to accept advertising, perhaps even with a link to your website.
This method works especially on YouTube and Instagram, where both individuals and companies will contact you to be able to collaborate with you by paying you a fee for your services.
Usually, it involves creating videos on YouTube, inserting a link to them in the description, or posting images/stories of their brand on Instagram.
12- Write an eBook
- Difficulty: Low
- Requirements: Expert in any field
- Average time
- Earnings: Medium
Digital products such as eBooks are always very popular on the net, plus the number of people who buy online today is constantly increasing.
If you are an expert in any sector, write a quality eBook and then try to sell it at a reasonable price on dedicated sites such as Amazon, or open a small eCommerce on your site.
Another alternative is to place your product on an affiliate network such as ClickBank, in this way you can safely sell your product without beating yourself up too much and you will also allow others to promote it.
13- Earn money with online surveys
- Difficulty: Low
- Requirements: None
- Average time
- Gain: Low
There are also simple and “open to all” ways of earning, which do not require specific skills.
I’m talking about online paid surveys, which can be filled in via App, Smartphone or PC. It will be enough to have an internet connection and answer a few questions of various kinds on purchasing habits and consumption, in this way you could monetize the “slow” moments of the day.
Businesses are interested in knowing what consumers prefer, so they can tailor their products and services based on the responses they get. In exchange for these opinions, cash prizes or shopping vouchers are offered.
Earnings depend a lot on you. With a little time and patience, trying to fill out more surveys on different platforms, in order to accumulate more earnings, you could also reach interesting figures at the end of the month.
14- Sell on Pinterest
- Difficulty: Easy
- Requirements: Understand how Pinterest works
- Average time
- Gain: Low
Pinterest is an extremely underrated image-based social network. In reality, this social network is an immense eCommerce made available to everyone.
More than half of Pinterest users are there to buy. People type in the product they want and then click on the link.
Selling on Pinterest is now no longer as easy as it used to be, but it is still an excellent platform, which if used well can bring you many advantages.
This is truly one of the not-so-exploited ways how to make money online.
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15- Sell domains and websites
- Difficulty: Medium
- Requirements: Basic knowledge of web and hosting
- Average time
- Earnings: Medium
This widely used technique can earn you thousands of dollars.
The trick basically consists in buying potentially desirable but still available web domains for a low price. For example; imagine you bought such a domain before the app?
Large companies are willing to pay even millions of dollars for a domain they particularly want.
Final Thoughts on How To Make Money Online
There are many methods on how to make money online, but there are some that are more functional and efficient than others. The 15 methods that I have listed for you in my opinion are the best.
To conclude, I want to give you some advice on how to increase your chances of success by combining more points on this list. Here is a quick and practical example:
- Create a blog optimized for a specific niche
- Open a YouTube channel where you promote your blog and upload videos to your articles
- Promote affiliate products both in your videos and on your blog
- Write an eBook and make videos online by promoting them in advance on the blog and on the YouTube channel
- Create a profile on each social network and try to increase notoriety
- Create a newsletter, attracting leads by offering something in return (e.g. free eBook)
- Sell your products and affiliate products on Pinterest
I know, doing all this takes time, but it is also true that it will allow you to earn money, so take it as a real job and not as a simple passion.
Earning on the web does not mean earning without doing anything, on the contrary you have to work hard and always be focused on the goal.
To your success!